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What are the top fraud threats hitting online grocery platforms?

Online grocery platforms have seen explosive growth. Customers have gotten used to the convenience of groceries at their doorstep – and you need to deliver.

But the shift to online has exposed grocery merchants to new types of fraud. The challenge is finding ways to protect your business without damaging customer journeys.

In this ebook, we cover:

  • The top fraud trends threatening online grocery platforms
  • Why the cost of living crisis has given way to new types of fraud
  • How you can protect your bottom line and customers

Learn how you can better prevent fraud, safeguard your business and enhance customer experiences in our in-depth 17-page guide.

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Solve every fraud challenge with one tool

Effective fraud prevention requires looking at the big picture. Our comprehensive technology integrates data from across your organization to solve:
  • Online Payment Fraud: Our technology scales with your business to reduce fraud and chargebacks with zero friction as your business grows.
  • Account Security: Detect ATO behavior from bot attacks to credential stuffing and more to secure every registration and login.
  • Policy Abuse: Target serial offenders and prevent returns, refund and promotion abuse while keeping honest customers happy.
  • 3D Secure: Optimize your payment and authentication strategy with a 3DS platform built for merchants and PSPs.
  • Supplier Fraud: Expand fraud prevention to suppliers and delivery networks to prevent fraud across your entire marketplace ecosystem.

"The team at Ravelin are all very knowledgeable about the various aspects around e-commerce fraud and have been extremely helpful at all stages of our integration."

Simon Harp
Head of Software Engineering

"We are delighted to work with Ravelin, across our brands such as FLANNELS and Sports Direct. As specialists in the sector, they provide best-in-class solutions that have helped us increase our acceptance rates and resulted in card issuers seeing us as low-risk."

John Low
Group Head of Digital Risk

"We were impressed, to say the least with the technical capabilities of the Ravelin team but also their ability to quickly understand our risk profile"

Krystyna Savotchenko
Fraud & Risk Manager
Flix Logo

"Ravelin has a freshness and passion for fraud that is apparent to me every time we speak. We never compromise on holding each other to account, but there is a camaraderie and friendship across all levels of both organizations."

Grant Shipway
Global Fraud Manager

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